What is Breuss's Cancer Fast?
An Austrian naturopath and herbalist named Rudolph Breuss published his (I think) first book at age 82 titled, "Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Numerous Diseases." The first book I bought was called, How to Fight Cancer & Win. It is an excellent book also but it referenced Breuss's Cancer Cure and got me very interested. The I bought Breuss's Cancer Cure and have read as much as I can on the Internet and from everything I've read he successfully treated many cancer patients (approx 40,000) by using this vegetable juice and tea fast. I urge anyone with cancer, arthritis of any kind, or any other physical problems to look up and read all you can about this.
He believed that "Using juice and herbal teas will sometimes encourage the body to simply consume and eliminate tumors." 85% to 90% of what I've read on the Internet substantiates this. Do I have cancer? No. But I have been told that my body has rheumatoid arthritis and I’m overweight with a lot of pain in my body. I'm tired of it. All the sisters of my grandfather have breast cancer and for two years I've had to get a biopsy and have a cyst tested. Breuss's fast has been on my mind for months and I tried it last October and I'll not lie... it was hard. I lasted a week. With this last doctor visit, I've decided this fast cannot hurt me and I'm jumping in the deep end and going for it again!
Not being able to find a whole lot about this fast is the reason I've created this blog but since I started it almost two years ago, I’ve found a little bit more! And everything I have read was after the fact someone was had been on the fast and a statement or two about how wonderful it worked.
I'm nosy, I want to know more!!! I want to know what happened after one week, two weeks, etc. So why I'm doing this and writing it down, why not help someone else?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Breuss Fast,
Rudolph Breuss,
vegetable juice and tea fast
- 1. The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases
- For the vegies - Diamond Organics
- For the Teas - Mountain Rose Herbs
- 2. Google Books: Breuss Cancer Cure
- 3. Breuss Cancer Cure Discussion
- 4. Fasting.ws - Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure
- 5. Breuss Total Cancer Treatment
- 6. The Breuss Cancer Cure blog
- 7. Getting Back Onto Normal Diet After Breuss Fast